When I was 19, I walked myself and a resume into an Asian-Peruvian fusion restaurant in New York City. While I waited, the host called the manager and asked if they were hiring. There was a brief pause as the manager asked a question, then the host looked me up and down, said, “Yes she is,” hung up, and asked for my resume. I suspected the mystery question at the time, and I soon learned what it has to have been beyond a shadow of a doubt—it was the same question managers asked me every time someone walked through the door. “Is she cute?”
It’s the rare big-city restaurant that doesn’t ask this question before hiring floor staff. In fact, there’s little reason for them not to, because whether a restaurant has three Michelin stars or serves little more than greasy chicken wings and beer, if they only want to hire hot servers—or even just women—it’s entirely legal.
Read more at Jezebel